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I was in a place of defeat as I lost control of my eating and in 3 years went from 160 pounds to a life crushing 315 pounds. I tried everything I could to stop the cycle of weight gain. I failed at every diet as I rode the roller coaster of weight loss.
I was skeptical about GLP-1 Weight Loss Medications but a close friend begged me to give it a try. Along with intermittent fasting and a clean diet (very simple to do as I was no longer hungry), I arrived at my goal weight in 6 months. I now weight my perfect body weight! 140 pounds. I surf almost every day and am much more active. I have managed this weight for over 5 months.
Skinnyshots and Wellness Concierge have given me my life back and I’m now living my best life!
At my age you cannot be too aware of your health and well-being. I was on Skinnyshots for 5-6 months and lost 70 pounds (on the button), from 240 lbs down to 170 lbs. My regimen was intermittent fasting, GLP-1 Weight Loss Medications and portion control. I have always struggled with my weight. My doctor once said, “Whatever you are going to do health-wise, figure it out before you hit 50 years old because after that, everything changes." Now as I get much older, the struggle becomes more important and I am up to the task. Thank you! -Michael
I started taking GLP-1 Weight Loss Medications about 4 months ago and believe me I was convinced that I didn't want to put anything in my body. I am so glad that I didn't listen to the crazy thoughts in my mind. I have always worked out but was gaining weight as I was aging. Since I started I have lost 35 pounds and have more energy than I have had in years. So glad that I made an investment in my health and myself!!
I’ve had hereditary weight issues my entire life. These products are the only effective treatment I’ve experienced in over 30 years of trying every “magic” pill and most diets (some which worked well, but restricted my food choices significantly).
I live unrestricted with a healthy reduction of appetite now. Simple as that. This shot increases the level of this hormone that my body already produces. I’ve lost 30 pounds and working out regularly, have transitioned much more from fat to muscle.
I was 390 pounds when I started working with Wellness concierge 8 months ago. I was soooo overweight, tired all the time and totally addicted to sweets. Boris and his team got me access to GLP-1 Weight Loss Medications at a really reasonable price. I also committed to eating healthier, intermittent fasting, exercising more and a few other tips I followed. I’m down 130 pounds to 260 with about 60 more to go! I don’t think this was possible. I thought I was gonna have a heart attack any day. My life has completely changed. Better sleep, better work…I have a beautiful and wonderful girlfriend for the first time in years. So happy!
When I started with Boris, I weighed 240 pounds and was at about 17% body fat. I was working out regularly with weights about four days a week and running three days a week. Over a three month period, I dropped down to 215 pounds. The beauty was my desire to eat as much as I used to completely vanished. I was getting about 1000 less calories a day, and the results were amazing. I recently did a Dexascan and I’m currently at 8.6% body fat, and 206 pounds. My lean body mass is at 187 pounds. I’m still working out, and as a result of keeping up with my fitness routine, the weight is shed even faster through Boris’ help. He’s professional, responds quickly to inquiries, and is always available on short notice to meet with or ship to me.
I’m getting married in September and wanted to be at an ideal weight for my wedding. My fiancée also used Boris. She weighed 160 lbs. and now is at 131 lbs.!
This stuff works and has made me so much happier. I used to obsess about food all the time whether I’ve eaten or not. Now I can skip a meal and I’m not hungry, and the weight continues to just fall off.
Check out Jenny's amazing transformation story.